Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Of Mice and Men? More like, of Retards and Rabbits

Seriously i am not impressed with both the Novel and film adaptation of 'Of Mice and Men'. The story follows two men eager on working and making a future for themselves during the great depression. Such a task is not very easy for these two misfits. Enter George Milton(Gary Sinise), a short tempered, scrawny, man of small stature. George's role in this story is basically to look after his counter-part, mentally challenged, over weight and beastly, Lenny Small(John Malkovich), who for some reason is just absolutely CRAZY about tending rabbits. I can minimally understand why he is so nuts about touching soft surfaces, but Lenny turns it into an obsession, and considering he maims or kills everything he comes into contact with, would you even let him tend YOUR rabbits, or talk to your wife? So i guess before Gary Sinise (George) was figuring out the trajectory of bullets at a crime scene, he was diminished to play the role of a redneck, who'd a thunk it! Another thing that bothers me about this film adaption was the ending, way too sudden, it leaves the viewer in disbelief that the film has even ended, and there has got to be more to come, but no, it just ends with a bullet in Lenny's skull, while he hasn't even finished his previous sentence, where has your respect run off to George. All in all, the movie projects a fairly good message, even though i am not sure what it is. The book was an alright read and readers have a little time to get connected and attached to their favorite characters before they aree killed off in mid speech.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Super Powers villain and hero

My ideal super villain would possess the power to create a series of colored lines, the lines would change color periodically, and would bounce off of any surface, leaving nothing but darkness behind. The darkness would erase anything that was previously in that space, until the whole area was pitch black, like a black hole. I guess his name would be Doctor Colored ricocheting line man, or Dr. CRL for short. His arch enemies would be Captain Mouse Man and his side kick Keyboard Boy Wonder, together they would be able to put an end to the line's destructive path. With a simple movement, click, or touch of Keyboard Boy's keys,Dr. CRL would have to wait at least 5 minutes before his powers were to be replenished. The only way for The Mouse and Keyboard combo to be defeated, would be if Sinister Hands, the most evil of criminal masterminds, was to unplug Mouse Man and Keyboard Boy's plugs from their power source, leaving them powerless, quite literally.